Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Let's give Sandy Hook School a Winter Wonderland...

Just wanted to share with you that here at WDS, we are helping to create a Winter Wonderland at Shady Hook Elementary School!  Each of our students will be making a unique snowflake in art with Ms. Elizabeth that we will be sending off at the end of the week.  The students will just know that they are making a beautiful snowflake to share with a friend.
Let’s Give Sandy Hook School a Winter Wonderland”
Snowflake Drive – Like our children, no two snowflakes are alike. We invite you to create snowflakes to decorate Sandy Hook School’s new home. Be creative! All colors and designs are welcome. We know that children will enjoy creating art that can adorn the walls of SHS’s new elementary school. CT PTSA has been contacted from schools across the state and this is a project we can all share. “Snowflake” drop boxes will be available at all schools or can be mailed to: Connecticut PTSA, 60 Connolly Parkway, Building 12, Suite 103, Hamden, CT 06514, by January 12, 2013.
In addition, we wanted to share with you the fund that had been established for individuals who wanted to make contributions. 
Sandy Hook School Fund -- Many people are looking to help by making a donation. Please be cautious before contributing money and make sure the fund is legitimate. With the help of CT PTSA, we have created the "Sandy Hook School Fund" and donations will be accepted through CTPTA.ORG. You can pay online or send a check to Connecticut PTSA, 60 Connolly Parkway, Building 12, Suite 103, Hamden, CT 06514 (if online contributing is made available, we will let you know). No fees are charged and all monies raised will go directly to help Sandy Hook School and Newtown. The beauty of this fund is that we can designate its use farther down the road, when we can determine where it will do the most good for the families of SHS and our town.

A big thank you to Davin Mock for sharing this great opportunity with our WDS family!
Danielle Todd

Friday, December 14, 2012

After all of their hardwork on the Christmas Program last night, our WDS students deserve a break and some entertainment of their own by Kamp Kreatures!

We hope that everyone had as much fun watching the Christmas Program as we did performing!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!


Monday, December 10, 2012

Upcoming Events!!

If you would like to sign up to bring in cookies or treats for after the Christmas Program, please email Alex or stop by the office! 

WDS Ornaments are in and were given to your child's teachers! 
It's not too late to order your WDS Ornament if you haven't done so! 

November Box Top Breakdown

Ms. Cora's Class - 466 (Winners of the Pajama & Movie Day - Friday, December 14th!)
Ms. Gibson's Class - 282
Ms. Dawn's Class - 169

Keep up the GREAT work WDS families!!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Christmas Program Details...

Thursday, December 13th, 2012

2's & 3's will begin at 6:15 p.m.

Pre K & K will start at 6:45 p.m.

Please remember there is to be NO saving seats. They are first come, first serve!

If your child is staying the entire afternoon and in need of dinner, please let the office know as we will be providing dinner for them before the performance.

If you would like to donate a refreshment (cookies, veggie tray, etc) for after the performances, there is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board by the office.

Have a wonderful week!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Fruit of the Spirit Winners for PEACE


Ms. Simone - Benjamin B.
Ms. Finis - Madison D. & Colin M.
Ms. J'Neeka - John K.
Ms. Timberly - Maggie F. & Hudson P.
Ms. Jeanne - Charlotte W. & Beckett L.
Ms. Dawn - Ruthie H. & River B.
Ms. Cora - Brody C.
Ms. Megan - Olivia B.
Ms. Liz - Hunter W.
Ms. Carbray - William B.
Ms. Gibson - Wyatt B.

Please join us for our Chapel on Tuesday, November 27th at 8:45 a.m.

We hope that everyone has a terrific Thanksgiving Holiday. Safe travels & best wishes!! 

We will see you all on Monday, November 26th!

Monday, November 19, 2012


Kindergarten will have their Thanksgiving Play & Feast on Tuesday, November 20th!

WDS will be closed on Thursday, November 22nd and Friday, November 23rd!

We hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 12, 2012

It's that time of year again - SANTA BREAKFAST

Sign up now and reserve a table for your family to eat a great breakfast, spend time with other WDS families and to meet/take pictures with SANTA! Forms are available in the office.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

An unexpected day off ... brought unexpected fun for the After Schoolers at WDS.

They went to the Pizza Hut for lunch and then sharpened their architectural skills and built a huge fort! 

Trunk or Treat was a success!

Thank you to all of the parents that came out and participated in our Trunk or Treat! All of the cars were great but out mystery judge had 3 that really caught their eye!

1st Place: The Davis Family
(missing: Chewbacca)
2nd Place: The Crawford Family
3rd Place: The Nelson Family

Best Treats: The Delo Family

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Westhampton Day School will be closed on Monday, October 29th, 2012.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Fruits of the Spirit Recipients - Joy

Congratulations to the following children for being nominated by their teacher for expressing Joy this month!

Ms. Simone's Class - Gwen Garrison
Ms. Finis' Class - Lola Nelson
Ms. J'Neeka's Class - Christopher Cheuk
Ms. Timberly's Class - Carter Donham & Jonathan Lawrence
Ms. Jeanne's Class - Keane Stuart & Mary Clare McDade
Ms. Dawn's Class - Ella Gammel & Caroline Smyers
Ms. Cora's Class - Grace Merithew
Ms. Megan's Class - James Stubbs
Ms. Liz's Class - Jack Armstrong
Ms. Carbary's Class - Karsin Beatty
Ms. Gibson's Class - Mia Andresen

Next Month's Fruit of the Spirit is Peace

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The end result of our After School "Shrunken Heads" Project!!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Superstars Fundraiser!!!!
Located on 5700 Patterson Avenue Richmond, VA 23226

Don't forget our Superstars Fundraiser is Tuesday, October 16th and runs from 11:00 am to 9:00 pm! Support your school & get a bite to eat at the same time!

If you would like to order pizzas to pick up from WDS, please send in your orders to the office by 10:00 am on Tuesday!! Pizza's will be available for pick up starting at 4:30 in the Fellowship Hall!

Friday, October 12, 2012

After School Trips & Projects!

With After School having some days off, the After School team has been preparing fun trips and activities for them!

On Monday, the After Schoolers went to Shalom Farms. Even with the drizzle and chilly weather, they enjoyed learning about organic fruits and veggies!

Friday (Today) is another day off for Richmond County! They got the chance to create "Shrunken Heads". They started with a regular apple...

And then they peeled and carved faces and initials into the apple...

The process takes several days, so the final pictures of the project will be on our next blog!

The After Schoolers weren't finished there! They decorated posters for the WUMC Monster Party!

What a busy Friday!

Woohoo! The weekend is almost here!

Here are a couple important reminders...

Southern Smiles picture packages are due back today (Friday, October 12th)! Get your pictures and payment back into the office this afternoon!

Trunk or Treat is approaching fast! Sign up today and be apart of a fun filled WDS Event! The sign up form is posted by the office! Cars must be parked and decorated by 2:45. The festivities start at 3:00 p.m.

Brunswick Stew - WUMC is selling their famous/delicious brunswick stew! Quarts are $7.00 a piece and can be pre-ordered through the office!! Pick up will be Saturday, October 20th from 3:00 - 5:00 pm!

Superstars Fundraiser is on Tuesday, October 16h from 11:00 am to 9:00 pm!


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Fundraiser Details...

Box Tops September Breakdown
Ms. Liz - 478
Ms. Timberly - 368
Ms. Jeanne - 283
Ms. Dawn - 262
Ms. Megan - 164
Ms. Cora - 143
Ms. Carbray - 137
Ms. J'Neeka - 101
Ms. Finis - 99
Ms. Gibson - 99
Ms. Simone - 38

October Box Tops Competition
Each child that brings in a completed Box Top October sheet will receive a Zinga 10 oz. Frozen Yogurt Gift Card! Please make sure to mark your child's name on the Box Top October Sheet! These sheets will be available from your child's teacher on Monday, October 8th!

The From Our House to Yours Magazine Fundraiser is closing tomorrow, Friday October 5th! No sales tax added! Please turn the order form and money packet into your child's teacher!

Thank you to all of the families that help with our fundraisers! Anything and everything really helps our wonderful school!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

World Communion Day!

World Communion Day is Sunday, October 6th! Come celebrate with WUMC and check out the Children of the World our WDS students made!



Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Good Morning!

Today you received the October newsletter! This month is jam-packed full of exciting events and happenings around WDS!

Trunk or Treat, Friday October 26th
Be sure to join in on the fun! Participating involves dressing up (optional), decorating your car, and passing candy/snacks out to our WDS students! All age groups are involved and dress up! Stop by the office if you want to reserve a parking spot!

Just a couple of reminders...

The Magazine Fundraiser is coming to a close on Friday, October 5th. You may turn these packets into your teacher! 

The office is checking student files over the next couple of weeks. If your child's file is missing anything, we will be emailing you with details about what is needed. It is very important for these items/forms to be turned into the office for licensing purposes!

Southern Smiles pictures are due by Friday, October 12th. Please turn your packet into the office!

Have a great Tuesday!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Happy Friday!

Southern Smiles
Pictures are in and they all look great!  Payment/ordering information is included in the packets. All picture packets should be turned into the office (not your child's teacher) by Friday, October 12th! 

I know some children were out for the picture days, so I am working with Southern Smiles to schedule a make-up picture day. Once a date is scheduled I will notify those parents!

Magazine Fundraiser
Keep on selling for the magazine fundraiser! Packets (with payments) are due back into the office by Friday, October 5th. If you have any questions about ordering or payment please feel free to contact the office!

We hope that everyone has a wonderful and relaxing weekend!

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Welcome to the Westhampton Day School blog!

This blog will be used to keep our parents up to date on the happenings of WDS!

Our WDS Wolverines had their first soccer game against Hanover Academy!

Box Tops
Tomorrow (Friday, September 28th) is our last day for the September Box Tops comeptition so get your Box Tops in! The winning class receives a Pizza Party!

Martin's A+ School Rewards
Instead of you having to take the time to register, just write your name and your bonus card # on the sheets provided by your child's classroom and we will register for you! WDS receives money for every time you use your bonus rewards card!

Carter's Mountain
The Kindergarten class is going on their first field trip to Carter's Mountain on Friday, August 28th!