Thursday, March 28, 2013

On Wednesday, we had a wedding in our 
Kindergarten classes!

Congratulations Q & U!!!

Kindergarten also got to go to the 
Valentine Richmond History Center

Check out our new tile in our 2 year old nap room!

Have a great Easter holiday!!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Our hall bulletin board shows the life cycle of a butterfly, a tribute to our Project Wild Science Curriculum, and curtsey of Ms. Teph.  When I walk past it, it reminds me of a gift one of my Kindergarten students gave me many years ago;  it was a book of teacher’s thoughts titled Caterpillar Kisses,  by Christine Naman.  Also a kindergarten teacher, the author thought of her children who entered her class each fall as caterpillars.  These children wiggled and squirmed into the school year, often silly and unfocused and unsure what to expect of the school day.  But by spring, they began to sprout their beautiful wings, showing their strong spirit and their colorful personalities.  Soon, these students would be flying out the door at the end of the year, ready to move onto the next level of their educational adventure.  The teacher, however, was not left empty handed.  She was blessed with caterpillar kisses—all of those memories and magical moments that she will always have to carry in her heart.  Every day at WDS, the precious students we have touch our lives with the blessed little events that will forever be a caterpillar kiss on our hearts.  Think about it, and take time to reflect on the caterpillar kisses that fill your heart.

Danielle Todd

Please remember to keep the center of our parking lot open.  If the weather is nice, our students like to be able to spend time in ball play on the blacktop.

Today in Chapel...

Pastor Christy taught the WDS Children the story of how God was faithful to Moses and parted the Red Sea so the people could safely escape Pharoah's dangerous army.  

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

9:00 am Opening on Thursday, March 7th, 2013!

WDS will be opening at 9:00 tomorrow, Thursday, March 7.  This will provide time for our parking lot to be plowed and our staff to be safely in place and ready to welcome your children.  If Richmond or Henrico schools are closed, after school care will also be available for our students beginning at 9:00.
Again, thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

CHANGE!  Noon Closing!

As the weather continues to decline, WDS will be closing at noon.  Again, we apologize for the inconvenience.  Please drive safely

Friday, March 1, 2013

Today's been a CRAZY Friday to say the least...

First, we started the day off with green eggs and ham for morning snack in honor of Dr. Seuss' brithday!

Then, Ms. Todd & Ms. Alex went around to all of the classrooms and read Dr. Seuss' Book, Green Eggs and Ham!

We also had our Director of the Day, Jackson Davis decide to throw Ms. Carbray's Friday lesson plans out the window and to treat his classmates to cupcakes from Westhampton Bakery!

Director Jackson also decided that instead of Kindergarten nap that Kindergarten would play on the playground with Mr. Tim!

Ms. Timberly's class also got a special treat during P.E. Mr. Brett shared some of his karate skills!


We hope that everyone's Friday was as much fun as ours!

Have a wonderful weekend WDS Families!!